Tuesday, December 4, 2012
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Sunday, September 23, 2012
Captive Care of the Asian Bullfrog
This current draf it not complete however would like to share it for interests sake. I have further research to do on the breeding of this species.
Captive Care of Asian Bull Frogs
(Kaloula Pulchra)
General Information
The Asian Bull Frog goes by many names in the pet trade: The Asian Painted or Banded Bullfrog, Chubby Frog and Bubble Frog to name a few.
Growing to around 2-3 inches (7-8 cm) with females being larger, the Asian Bull Frog is a narrow mouthed member of the microhylid family. They have a round body and small head, their backs and sides are brown with a pale, cream or yellow brown belly. Lateral Stripes run from the eyes to the vent and will range in colour to cream, pink, red or orange hues or pale brown. The Males possess a darker throat, usually grey or black in colour. Some individuals have spots along their dorsum and belly.
Asian Bull frogs have a variety of defence mechanisms to repel potential predators from eating or harming them. They will call loudly and inflate their body hugely to make themselves larger. They also produce a sticky secretion from the skin which is noxious and one of the aspects that can make even a tame Frog unpleasant to handle as the secretion can be difficult to wash off.
Range & Habitat
This is a terrestrial species originating from South East Asia and is believed to have been introduced to Islands such as the Philippines and Indonesia. Asian Bull Frogs are primarily Nocturnal, Shy animals with fossorial natures and during the day and drier months of the year will burrow down into the earth or hide beneath Leaf Litter to protect themselves. They are found in a range of habitats from forest, agricultural where they can make use of man made water channels to urban landscapes, hiding away in houses to escape the heat and sun. During the warm, humid monsoon and rain months, Painted Bullfrogs become active and the wet weather prompts their breeding season. The males are particularly vocal and have a loud deep call, earning them their local Filipino nickname of ‘Mooing’ Frogs, a wife’s tale suggests they ‘Moo’ for the rain.
In Captivity
Asian Bull Frogs IUCN (Red List) Status is one of Least Concern and sadly the Pet Trade reflects this. The Majority of Asian Bull Frogs are wild caught, with captive bred Frogs making very rare appearances. Whether this is down to them being difficult to breed is unknown as very little information appears to be present, however the likely truth is that, with them being so readily and cheaply available there is just no drive to captive breed them.
Baring this in mind when a new Asian Bull Frog is introduced into an environment where other Frogs or Amphibians may be living it is vital to quarantine the new comer, ideally in a separate room. It should be carefully monitored for any visual or behavioural signs of illness for at least a month and a faecal exam carried out which will inform of any parasites or worms of the digestive system.
Asian Bullfrogs are a simple Frog to keep, a 10 to 15 gallon tank would be appropriate for 1-2 Frogs, being small and generally inactive. They require a moist deep substrate of Coco fibre or organic topsoil at, at least 4 Inches (10 cm’s) as burrowing is an integral part of their nature, the burrowing substrate should, ideally be on top of a layer of Hydroleca clay balls separated by a heavy duty substrate divider, or as the optimal option a false bottom created to drain off excess water. If this is not possible then caution must be taken not to waterlog the tank. Leaf Litter, Cork Bark and other varieties of hide should be provided, due to their habit of digging Live plants may not survive long unless particularly hardy, or planted into the substrate in a pot. In the wild they prefer still water, choosing to inhabit ponds, and ditches so your Frog’s enclosure must reflect just that. At it’s most basic a dish or shallow tub of a few inches must be provided for the Frog and filled with de-chlorinated or spring water. Every other day change the water and spot clean to remove any faeces to avoid a build up of bacteria.
Asian Bull Frogs to not tolerate high or particularly cold temperatures. Their Ideal day time temperature is 24 – 26 degree’s C (76 – 78 F) To a drop of around 21 C (70 F) at night. Heating should be provided via a heat mat mounted to the side of the tank and attached to a thermostat. Under tank heating is discouraged as it will make it uncomfortable for your Frogs when they dig, likewise over tank heating from a light is not suitable. It dries out the substrate or water and will only encourage the Frog to hide; also as they are nocturnal a strong light source could prove to be stress full. A humidity of 70-80 is preferred by Asian Bull Frogs. To maintain humidity the Tank must be sprayed, doing this of an evening will encourage your Frog to come out more thanks to it’s love of rain fall.
Although terrestrial they can prove to be good climbers during their active night time’s so a secure well fitting lid is essential to your Frog’s set up.
To fully take advantage of this Species activity, a red light bulb can be used to observe them going about their nightly business, this is the time they are most likely hunt and bathe in their water. The light can be placed into a standard lamp outside of the tank to prevent any un-needed heat.
Asian Bullfrogs are voracious eaters and will take a wide variety of live insect foods. Crickets should be provided a staple, but the Bull Frog is happy to take Worms, Small Cockroaches, Wax Worm along with very small prey, Fruit Fly’s and vivaria custodians such as Spring Tails and Woodlice as they are well documented to eat Ant’s in the wild. Wax worms should be fed sparingly as they are a high fat content prey, an inactive frog such as Asian Bull Frogs will run a heightened risk of obesity if over fed on such a rich food. All foods should either be dusted with a vitamin and calcium supplement or Gut Loaded 24 hours prior to being fed to the Frog using a pre made formula or fed nutritious vegetables .Conclusion
The Asian Bullfrog is a hardy animal, and although it is not the most beautiful and active they make an ideal first frog, whom many owners claim to have a subtle and sweet character. If correctly cared for these little Frogs can live up to a decade.
Many thanks to Clair for allowing me use of her photo’s of ‘Kermit’ the wild Bullfrog who lived with her for a month.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
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In this E-book I will show you how to successfully set up your accounts on each site to entice viewers to your website. Learn how to network with other people on these sites to increase your websites exposure. The more traffic you get to your site the higher your sales will be. Selling a product, service or just yourself requires knowing when to push and when to just make mention and let the other person take the lead. Learn how to do this successfully, to maximize your selling abilities.
Videos, audios, blogs, profiles, bulletins and so much more is explained so that you can use them successfully for free to market your product or website. There are certain factors within this market that spell success and that spell disaster. You should not have to learn the hard way by trial and error which factors work and which factors will ensure failure.
You are working in a competitive market called the internet, now is the time to get competitive. Remember though that competitive does not have to mean expensive. After all I am offering you a way to do all of this to increase your sales for free.
This E-book is for more than just those that have a product to sale. There is a special section dedicated to musicians who wish to gain exposure and need a way to market themselves. I have a friend who marketed his music in this manner and has now landed a record deal with Sony Records.
He gained a large fan base using nothing more than Web 2.0 marketing and the exposure he gained was enough to get him the record deal. Inside you will learn how to set up your profiles, fan clubs and how to let people know about any live performances you may have at local venues. A large turn out at local venues means more recognition for you as a musician. Learn how to create a music video with very little equipment and get it up online for the public to see.
For those that wish to become power sellers on EBay, do not spend another dime on the expense of featured listings. There is a free way to do this and it is all covered within this E-Book. Learn how to put each feature offered on Web 2.0 sites to work showcasing your auctions. Some sites do not work for marketing auctions. Inside you will learn from my experience which sites do work and which ones do not. This will save you a lot of time so that you can focus on what does work and increase your auction sales.
Below is just a short list of what you will find inside this E-book. You will learn which sites work for what, comparison charts, podcasts and a whole lot more that will have you on your way to driving tons of traffic to your website, increasing your sales and gaining name recognition.
As I said above, you will still play a numbers game. This time though you will be playing the numbers game based on the amount of traffic you have to your website and your sales. This time around though you will not be paying for your website traffic. It is all inside this E-book all you have to do is take the first step toward successful free marketing.
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5. Maximum Profit PLR for only $47 At Last, The Real Secrets To Cashing In on Those PLR Products!
"Warning! You Risk Losing Out On BIG Profits If You’re Not Putting Some Of That PLR Content On Your Hard Drive To Use!"
Discover How To Turn Your Unique Private Label Rights Content Into A Cash Machine...
Does this sound familiar...
I’m barely making any money with the Private Label Rights content I’ve got. It seems like I’m wasting money and time because I don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
I have a lot of Private Label Rights Content just sitting on my hard drive collecting dust. I don’t know what to do with it.
I would like to learn how I can massively profit from Private Label Rights, but I don’t have a clue on what to do or how to do it.
Well, I have good news for you. You're about to discover the tested and proven techniques anyone can use to start raking in cash and earning a fortune with PLR.
Introducing... Maximum Profit Private Label Rights!
Take a look at the hard hitting, profit-pumping techniques you'll learn from this cutting edge guide...
Below are some examples of what you’ll learn:
What Private Label Rights Content is
Terms and Conditions for Private Label Rights Content
Different types of Private Label Rights Content
How you can make your Private Label Rights content unique and stand out
Numerous ways to capitalize on Private Label Rights Content to make massive profits
How you can leverage the power of e-Bay with Private Label Rights Content
How you can make massive profits with firesales using private label rights content
How you can make recurring, lucrative profits every month with Private Label Rights Content
And so much more!
As you can see, through Maximum Profit Private Label Rights!, you’ll learn quite a few things about how to explode YOUR sales and profits using Private Label Rights products...
With all you'll learn, you're probably asking...what is the cost for this invaluable e-book? Well, if you follow the techniques provided within its contents, the product will pay for itself 100 times over!
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Note: These terms are here to protect you, your customer, your subscriber and other resellers. Please understand the terms before buying.
6. Super Joint Venture Secrets for only $47 Joint Venture Secrets That Will Make You $$$$.
Super JV Secrets
Exclusive Offer! Never Before Revealed Information!
Have you heard about joint venture marketing and joint venture partners and you really do not understand the concept of how they are fostered and how they can make you money? Joint ventures is the new internet industry buzz word that is making new and established business more online traffic, more sales, and more profit then any other idea like it in years.
The concepts are simple and anybody that has a product or service to sell can participate in this money making idea. This e-book will explain the dos and the don'ts regarding joint venture projects and how to succeed the first time you try.
Do you understand how market traffic is driven toward a specific website? Do you understand the complexities that surround the internet market and how a good spot on a key word search page can make or break a business?
A business person who wants to try to put their name in the hat of the internet commerce world needs to know how to make their product be seen on the customer's computer and have that site in a condition where the customer wants to buy. Not all of us know how to do this and the top sellers in the internet market do.
How do you get their knowledge and skills at little to no price? The answer is simple. Learn these joint investment secrets and start making more money with little to no investment now.
Now you can save time and money and stop searching for information on joint venture secrets.
Wouldn't it be nice to have all those questions about joint ventures and its secrets offered in one place? You could spend hours on the internet looking for answers or you could spend hundreds of dollars taking a class or seminar that would expose these secrets, maybe.
Once you read an article on a website or a blog from a joint venture expert and you think you have a grasp of what is going on, another article will come out and contradict the one you just read. Books are expensive and much of the content is full of fluff and not the real nitty-gritty stuff that you need to be successful and be successful today.
You hear the rumors of how joint ventures have made millions for small businesses and that they have put no investment in the arrangements. These rumors are true. The information contained within this text may not make you a millionaire tomorrow, but it can have you on the way to being more financially successful and on the way to that goal.
It is so frustrating hearing advice from one webpage only to find it contradicted on another. Give up those endless hours of research and reading because there is a one stop, tell-all source that will give you the information that you need to enter and make a joint venture successfully.
“The Complete Guide to Finally Understanding Joint Ventures” is here
An in depth report on joint ventures has been generated to give you the facts about this amazing new marketing strategy. The most recent research will be discussed along with helpful hints in how find the perfect joint venture partner, how to write the proposal, how to construct a business plan, and how to develop an effective exit strategy.
Finally a one of a kind guide that answers all the questions the investor, marketer, or webmaster would have. Filled with informative literature the reader will get the real facts about joint ventures and learn how to develop the right planning and implementation of them. You will learn what a joint venture is and you will learn how to increase you web traffic, your customer base, and most important, your profits.
1) You will learn the real secrets concerning Joint Ventures.
Joint ventures are one of the fattest growing marketing strategies in the world today. You will be able to join this trend within minutes of reading this e-book.
2) You will learn about how picking the right joint venture partner can increase your sales with no investment
With little or no money down you will be able to find and partner with a compatible person in your industry that will increase your customer base and drive traffic to your website.
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
Just what a joint venture is and how you can use a joint venture whether you have a product to sell or not.
The reasons a joint venture is essential for your business growth and prosperity.
How to find the right joint venture partner that is compatible with your interests and products.
Joint venture secrets that will immediately boost online sales.
How to write a joint venture proposal and business plan that will protect both you and your partner.
You will learn how to use face to face encounters as your number one resource in locating potential joint venture partners.
Essentials joint venture advice regarding your vision, creativity, and persistence while participating in a joint venture.
How to set up competitive barriers toward your competition and stay on top of your game.
How to use free products to set up your own joint venture.
Personal success stories that will give you inspiration to start your own joint venture as soon as you read them.
And a lot more!
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[YES] Can add up to 5 extra bonuses to the sales page as long as the product remains the main selling point
[NO] Can sell private label rights
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Note: These terms are here to protect you, your customer, your subscriber and other resellers. Please understand the terms before buying.
7. Viral Traffic Generation for only $47 “Discover Amazing Marketing Secrets That Will Absolutely Flood Your Website with Traffic…With No Additional Cost!”
If you have a website, you need traffic.Regardless of what product or service you are selling, it’s been proven that the more visitors you get to come to your website, the higher your sales will be. The trick is, you have to get customers to visit!
There are millions of websites all trying to catch the customer’s eyes, but only a handful ever get more than a small stream of visitors.Some websites sit for months waiting for customers that will never show.Without customers, they eventually fade away.
To be truly profitable, you need visitors, and a lot of them.The more visitors you get, the more money you make.
So how do I win more traffic where so many others have tried and failed?
There are really only two things you need to do to bring a flood of visitors to your website.You have to give them a reason to want to come to your site, and you have to make them excited enough to get the word out to as many other people as possible.
“Word of mouth marketing is by far the most effective way to get word out about your site.”
You can always buy traffic, if you have the money.There are plenty of internet marketers that would be glad to send traffic your way if the price is right.But wouldn’t it be better to get other people to spread the word about your site…For Free???
That is what viral marketing is all about.A visitor to your site sees something they like, and they tell a couple of people.Those people come to your site, and then each of them tell a couple more people, and those people tell a couple more people, and so on.It doesn’t take long before thousands of people have heard about your website, and they all stop in to see what the buzz is about.
The best part is, after you spend the money to get it set up and running, all or the rest happens without you having to spend any more money.Other people and website are happy to spread the word for you, at their own expense
The only extra you will have to pay is for more bandwidth to handle all of the customers.
It sounds so easy.How can I get a flood of traffic to come to my site?
We’ve researched and found the best ways to get people to notice your site.By studying what has worked for other successful viral marketing campaigns, we can share with you some of the best ways to get your visitors to tell their friends, family, and associates about your website.
You can learn how to put together a strategy that works best for you in our powerful guide, “Viral Traffic Generation: 21 Ways to Flood Your Site in Traffic”
Just take a look at some of the things you will learn:
Why you should be using viral marketing – not all advertising is equal
The strategy behind getting more traffic without paying more money – once you get the ball rolling, there don’t need to be additional costs.
Amazing strategies that will bring free traffic to your site years after the advertising campaign has ended.
Protect yourself from complaints and negative comments.Build a buffer that shields your good reputation.
Find customers you didn’t even know existed – Viral messages spread to every “hidden” niche on the web.
The truth behind marketers promises to make your marketing go viral – learn what they can and cannot guarantee.
Learn the secret to getting customers to return over and over again – build a fiercely loyal customer base.
“Free” will not always bring more customers – discover the tricks that will catch the interest of picky consumers.
You can put your “brand” in front of thousands of eyes – before they even go to your site.
Secrets that make it easy for your visitors to tell others – This one secret can make your message spread like wildfire.
You can get other websites to advertise for you…for free – and they are glad to do it!
Discover the tricks that will move your site higher on Google – Learn why Google likes some sites better than others.
Learn how becoming an expert in your niche will bring people to your website – gain the trust of your customers, and they will listen to what you have to say.
You can get other people to drive traffic to your website – and only pay them for the items that sell.
Get your message out, even when your customers are not online – and get them to remember you the next time they are online.
Using any one of these techniques can send a flood of traffic to your site.By learning to combine them and use them together, your visitor counts will explode.You can start seeing amazing results within days of starting your new advertising campaign.
Just advertising your site is not enough.You need to get your message out to people who want to hear what you have to say.
You’ll also discover….
Why referrals from friends and family are so powerful.
How to turn visitors into your own marketing network.
How to attract customers that want to buy your product.
How to turn yourself into an expert in your niche.
How one site earned $1 Million with an idea no one thought would work.
Why some techniques go viral while others just sit there.
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[YES] Can be sold for a suggested price of $7-$27 with resell rights
[YES] Can be added to membership sites that charge $9.99+/month
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[YES] Can add up to 5 extra bonuses to the sales page as long as the product remains the main selling point
[NO] Can sell private label rights
[NO] Can claim original ownership of the site or product
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Note: These terms are here to protect you, your customer, your subscriber and other resellers. Please understand the terms before buying.
"Discover How You Can Explode Your Traffic & Boost Your Sales With Advanced SEO Techniques That Force Search Engines To Help YOU!"
...Whether you're happy with your online advertising and web traffic or not, YOU CAN Skyrocket your traffic and multiply your earnings!
Would you like to watch visitors flood into your websites by the 1,000s, without expensive advertising or promotions? The fact is, there ARE people with websites doing exactly that right now. How is that possible, you ask? The answer is Advanced SEO Techniques!
I'm not sure if you've heard much about SEO or ever tried it, but for those "in the know" there are very specific techniques they use (and YOU can too!) to get search engines to drive 1,000s of visitors to their websites every day while they sit back and enjoy the 100% natural, FREE traffic.
Now, you can get the same results...IF you know the secrets to making your websites so SEXY to search engines that they can't help but to rank you at the top and reward you with a flood of traffic. Well, we're pulling back the curtain, and we're going to show you everything you need to know to get exactly the same results!
Introducing... Advanced SEO Techniques: Turbocharge Your Traffic & Profits on Autopilot!
Here is what you'll learn and how you'll benefit from my guide...
What are algorithms and why they matter
The truth about Google Pagerank
How effective backlinks really are, and how to set them up
How to "Dance" with Google to Get What YOU Want
The ins and outs of cloaking
Major do's and don'ts that most people miss
The facts about spiders and crawling your website, and how to use it to your advantage
Everything your website needs to earn a high search ranking
Step by step guide to optimize your website
How page size makes a difference and the right size for YOUR site
Dynamic URLs, frames, and redirects
Keyword stuffing & spamming
And so much more!
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[YES] Can add up to 5 extra bonuses to the sales page as long as the product remains the main selling point
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Note: These terms are here to protect you, your customer, your subscriber and other resellers. Please understand the terms before buying.2. Affiliate Marketing Master for only$47"You’re About To Discover The Shockingly Simple Formula To Become A Master Affiliate and Racking Up Sales and Profits, Even If You Have No Skills, No Knowledge, and No Experience Whatsoever!"
...Now you really can quit that boring day job and live the life you've dreamed of!
Finally, a complete guide to affiliate marketing that will show you exactly what to do even if you have no website, no products, and no experience. You are about to uncover the real secrets that master affiliates have been using to generate online fortunes.
Let’s cut straight to the chase here. You've heard the stories of people making thousands of dollars every week from affiliate marketing, and I'm sure you'd like to get your share. Whether you are currently earning profits as an affiliate or just eager to get started, I am about to unleash the best kept secrets, and I am going to give them to you so YOU can PROFIT. What you are about to discover will change the very way you think about marketing and more importantly will help you generate real online profits.
I'll Show You Step-By-Step How You Can Become An Affiliate Master
No Matter How Hard You've Tried Before...
Introducing How To Become An Affiliate Marketing Master...
This is a step by step guide that will open your eyes to the real world of affiliate marketing. You will discover exactly what techniques work and what ones don't. Take a look at what you'll learn and how you'll benefit:
Why attitude is paramount for your success
How to set your goals and create personal mission statements - these are essential and you will soon see why.
Why you need to understand marketing lingo
Knowledge is power - discover why it is so important to know your potential market
The tools you will need to be successful - many of these will surprise you
What a qualified prospect is and how relationship marketing is vital to your success
Why you need to get to know your customer
Understanding the lifecycle of your customers - this is something you definitely won't want to miss
Different types of affiliate marketing
The key to successful article marketing
Blogging and affiliate marketing - what type of blog works best. You'll be surprised at what you'll discover here
Search engine optimization (SEO) how to use natural and organic results to your benefit
Emotional response writing and its importance - learning this can triple your profits
How to use word of mouth marketing to your advantage
Lead generation and affiliate marketing - what have these two got in common? You'll be very surprised
How to use e-mail marketing for your affiliate campaigns - this section also includes how to write your e-mails so that they will be opened and how to avoid the spam checkers
Using your instant messenger account for your affiliate marketing - where to find people and how to pull them in
Community networking
And much more.......
As you can see, nothing is left out in this amazing guide. You will get all the information you need and more to become an affiliate marketing master. The techniques revealed in this book have been tested and verified and I can guarantee that they work. Just imagine a $1,000 paycheck from Clickbank every 2 weeks and $5,000 in payments to your PayPal account every month. It is all within your reach...
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[YES] Can add up to 5 extra bonuses to the sales page as long as the product remains the main selling point
[NO] Can sell private label rights
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Note: These terms are here to protect you, your customer, your subscriber and other resellers. Please understand the terms before buying.
3. Blogging For Cash for only $47 Do you want to make money from your blog?
Blogging for Cash Exclusive Offer!
Never Before Revealed Information!
Are you looking for a way to make money from home?
Do you have a blog and want to profit from it?
If you have dreamed of creating an income form home, by writing about something you love, we have the solution for you!
Simple Secrets to Turn your Computer in to a Cash Machine!
Successful Bloggers know that with the right money making opportunities blogs can become cash generating machines. If you want to start a profitable blog, or profit from an existing blog, you need to know this information!
Start blogging for cash today and learn everything you need to know to profit from your blog.
"Blogging for Cash!"
This e-book will guide you through the process of monetizing your Blog and give you all the information you need to start profiting from your blog. You will learn everything you need to know about turning your blog into a cash machine.
Profit from your Blog
1) How to create a popular Blog, the key to profit success.
Do you know what it takes to successfully monetize your blog? Learn here!
2) Every money making opportunity.
Do you know where to go to find ways to profit from your blog? Find them here!
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
How to Create a Popular Blog
Using Adsense in your Blog
Other Advertising Options
Affiliate Marketing
Product Reviews
Blogging Networks
Creating an Email Campaign
Marketing your Own Products
Picking the Best Cash Generator for Your Blog
And a lot more!
How Much Is That Worth To You?
If you want to make money form your blog, this is the information you need. The Blogging for Cash e-book will set you up to profit and explain exactly how to make the most of your blog. Every money making option available to you is explained and outlined so you can make an informed decision.
If you are serious about profiting from your blog, this e-book contains exactly what you need, don’t pass up this opportunity to learn how to profit.
Terms Of Use and License Agreement
[YES] Can sell personal rights
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[YES] Can be sold in an eBook store if sold separately
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[YES] Can be sold for a suggested price of $7-$27 with resell rights
[YES] Can be added to membership sites that charge $9.99+/month
[YES] Can be sold in fire-sales or mass-bundle deals
[YES] Can add up to 5 extra bonuses to the sales page as long as the product remains the main selling point
[NO] Can sell private label rights
[NO] Can claim original ownership of the site or product
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Note: These terms are here to protect you, your customer, your subscriber and other resellers. Please understand the terms before buying.
4. Dominate The Web 2.0 Market for only $47 Learn how you to can dominate the Web 2.0 Market
Master the New Rules of Online Marketing Success!
Exclusive Offer! Never Before Revealed Information!
I have been in your shoes before and I know the struggle that you are having. It is hard to compete online with so many other businesses without spending a fortune. Marketing dollars start to add up and before you know it, they are cutting into your profits.
You got into business to make money, not to lose it. Yet every where you turn it seems that marketing your product, service or website seems to cost more than you are making in return. You are probably wondering like so many other people have: How does everyone else seem to make this work for them?
After all no business would stay in business if they were losing money all the time. I to have been there wondering when I would get my break and start seeing a return on all my efforts. I came close to giving up until I discovered a new way of doing things.
You should not have to struggle to make a profit online. Yet everyday countless business people do struggle to make it online. Not only do you find that you are spending a lot on marketing dollars but you also find that sometimes after you are out the money that the marketing avenue you used just did not work. Like I said above, I have been there and I did come close to giving up. Thankfully I did not give up and I switched my tactics in marketing.
You Do Not Have to Spend a Dime Marketing
While it does take money to make money, you do not have to spend money on marketing. That is right, you can market your product, service or website without every spending a dime again. Say goodbye to those marketing expenses and hello to profits. Now the money that you receive from your marketing efforts does not have to be spent on more marketing.
From here on out all of your marketing will be free. No longer do you have to spend money on marketing to find out that the avenue you chose did not work for your business. Instead with free marketing you are out no money if that particular avenue does not work for you.
I have done all the work for you and now I am ready to show you just how I did it. Therefore you should know prior to using an avenue if it will work for you. In almost all cases if done right all avenues will work for you.
I went from spending more than I was making on marketing in the hopes that with enough marketing of my website I would see a return. I believed in the whole numbers game. While I still believe in the numbers game, I no longer let those numbers play with my pocketbook. You can do it too once you know just how and where. Is it not about time that you became one of the success stories on the internet?
Dominate the Web 2.0 Market E-Book
One of the definitions that I came across when I first started looking into Web 2.0 was that is was a term to characterize design patterns in what they called a constellation of a new generation of web applications. They went on to speak of infrastructures and new and improved collaborations. The further I read on the more confused I became.
The only thing that I was able to gather from what the writer of that page was talking about was that; Web 2.0 was a phrase coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004. I took the time to jump head first into this to learn just what the Web 2.0 world was all about. Now I am bringing that information to you without the tech talk.
That is right. Within this E-book you will learn just what Web 2.0 really is. No fancy tech talk, just plain English so that everyone can maximize this marketing potential. Learn how to use each type of Web 2.0 site to maximize your marketing potential. Each type of Web 2.0 site has different ways of doing things. Once you know how to market with that type of site, you will see your marketing efforts work for you. All these sites are free to use and have tons of visitors who are just waiting to see what you have to offer.
In this E-book I will show you how to successfully set up your accounts on each site to entice viewers to your website. Learn how to network with other people on these sites to increase your websites exposure. The more traffic you get to your site the higher your sales will be. Selling a product, service or just yourself requires knowing when to push and when to just make mention and let the other person take the lead. Learn how to do this successfully, to maximize your selling abilities.
Videos, audios, blogs, profiles, bulletins and so much more is explained so that you can use them successfully for free to market your product or website. There are certain factors within this market that spell success and that spell disaster. You should not have to learn the hard way by trial and error which factors work and which factors will ensure failure.
You are working in a competitive market called the internet, now is the time to get competitive. Remember though that competitive does not have to mean expensive. After all I am offering you a way to do all of this to increase your sales for free.
This E-book is for more than just those that have a product to sale. There is a special section dedicated to musicians who wish to gain exposure and need a way to market themselves. I have a friend who marketed his music in this manner and has now landed a record deal with Sony Records.
He gained a large fan base using nothing more than Web 2.0 marketing and the exposure he gained was enough to get him the record deal. Inside you will learn how to set up your profiles, fan clubs and how to let people know about any live performances you may have at local venues. A large turn out at local venues means more recognition for you as a musician. Learn how to create a music video with very little equipment and get it up online for the public to see.
For those that wish to become power sellers on EBay, do not spend another dime on the expense of featured listings. There is a free way to do this and it is all covered within this E-Book. Learn how to put each feature offered on Web 2.0 sites to work showcasing your auctions. Some sites do not work for marketing auctions. Inside you will learn from my experience which sites do work and which ones do not. This will save you a lot of time so that you can focus on what does work and increase your auction sales.
Below is just a short list of what you will find inside this E-book. You will learn which sites work for what, comparison charts, podcasts and a whole lot more that will have you on your way to driving tons of traffic to your website, increasing your sales and gaining name recognition.
As I said above, you will still play a numbers game. This time though you will be playing the numbers game based on the amount of traffic you have to your website and your sales. This time around though you will not be paying for your website traffic. It is all inside this E-book all you have to do is take the first step toward successful free marketing.
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5. Maximum Profit PLR for only $47 At Last, The Real Secrets To Cashing In on Those PLR Products!
"Warning! You Risk Losing Out On BIG Profits If You’re Not Putting Some Of That PLR Content On Your Hard Drive To Use!"
Discover How To Turn Your Unique Private Label Rights Content Into A Cash Machine...
Does this sound familiar...
I’m barely making any money with the Private Label Rights content I’ve got. It seems like I’m wasting money and time because I don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
I have a lot of Private Label Rights Content just sitting on my hard drive collecting dust. I don’t know what to do with it.
I would like to learn how I can massively profit from Private Label Rights, but I don’t have a clue on what to do or how to do it.
Well, I have good news for you. You're about to discover the tested and proven techniques anyone can use to start raking in cash and earning a fortune with PLR.
Introducing... Maximum Profit Private Label Rights!
Take a look at the hard hitting, profit-pumping techniques you'll learn from this cutting edge guide...
Below are some examples of what you’ll learn:
What Private Label Rights Content is
Terms and Conditions for Private Label Rights Content
Different types of Private Label Rights Content
How you can make your Private Label Rights content unique and stand out
Numerous ways to capitalize on Private Label Rights Content to make massive profits
How you can leverage the power of e-Bay with Private Label Rights Content
How you can make massive profits with firesales using private label rights content
How you can make recurring, lucrative profits every month with Private Label Rights Content
And so much more!
As you can see, through Maximum Profit Private Label Rights!, you’ll learn quite a few things about how to explode YOUR sales and profits using Private Label Rights products...
With all you'll learn, you're probably asking...what is the cost for this invaluable e-book? Well, if you follow the techniques provided within its contents, the product will pay for itself 100 times over!
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6. Super Joint Venture Secrets for only $47 Joint Venture Secrets That Will Make You $$$$.
Super JV Secrets
Exclusive Offer! Never Before Revealed Information!
Have you heard about joint venture marketing and joint venture partners and you really do not understand the concept of how they are fostered and how they can make you money? Joint ventures is the new internet industry buzz word that is making new and established business more online traffic, more sales, and more profit then any other idea like it in years.
The concepts are simple and anybody that has a product or service to sell can participate in this money making idea. This e-book will explain the dos and the don'ts regarding joint venture projects and how to succeed the first time you try.
Do you understand how market traffic is driven toward a specific website? Do you understand the complexities that surround the internet market and how a good spot on a key word search page can make or break a business?
A business person who wants to try to put their name in the hat of the internet commerce world needs to know how to make their product be seen on the customer's computer and have that site in a condition where the customer wants to buy. Not all of us know how to do this and the top sellers in the internet market do.
How do you get their knowledge and skills at little to no price? The answer is simple. Learn these joint investment secrets and start making more money with little to no investment now.
Now you can save time and money and stop searching for information on joint venture secrets.
Wouldn't it be nice to have all those questions about joint ventures and its secrets offered in one place? You could spend hours on the internet looking for answers or you could spend hundreds of dollars taking a class or seminar that would expose these secrets, maybe.
Once you read an article on a website or a blog from a joint venture expert and you think you have a grasp of what is going on, another article will come out and contradict the one you just read. Books are expensive and much of the content is full of fluff and not the real nitty-gritty stuff that you need to be successful and be successful today.
You hear the rumors of how joint ventures have made millions for small businesses and that they have put no investment in the arrangements. These rumors are true. The information contained within this text may not make you a millionaire tomorrow, but it can have you on the way to being more financially successful and on the way to that goal.
It is so frustrating hearing advice from one webpage only to find it contradicted on another. Give up those endless hours of research and reading because there is a one stop, tell-all source that will give you the information that you need to enter and make a joint venture successfully.
“The Complete Guide to Finally Understanding Joint Ventures” is here
An in depth report on joint ventures has been generated to give you the facts about this amazing new marketing strategy. The most recent research will be discussed along with helpful hints in how find the perfect joint venture partner, how to write the proposal, how to construct a business plan, and how to develop an effective exit strategy.
Finally a one of a kind guide that answers all the questions the investor, marketer, or webmaster would have. Filled with informative literature the reader will get the real facts about joint ventures and learn how to develop the right planning and implementation of them. You will learn what a joint venture is and you will learn how to increase you web traffic, your customer base, and most important, your profits.
1) You will learn the real secrets concerning Joint Ventures.
Joint ventures are one of the fattest growing marketing strategies in the world today. You will be able to join this trend within minutes of reading this e-book.
2) You will learn about how picking the right joint venture partner can increase your sales with no investment
With little or no money down you will be able to find and partner with a compatible person in your industry that will increase your customer base and drive traffic to your website.
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
Just what a joint venture is and how you can use a joint venture whether you have a product to sell or not.
The reasons a joint venture is essential for your business growth and prosperity.
How to find the right joint venture partner that is compatible with your interests and products.
Joint venture secrets that will immediately boost online sales.
How to write a joint venture proposal and business plan that will protect both you and your partner.
You will learn how to use face to face encounters as your number one resource in locating potential joint venture partners.
Essentials joint venture advice regarding your vision, creativity, and persistence while participating in a joint venture.
How to set up competitive barriers toward your competition and stay on top of your game.
How to use free products to set up your own joint venture.
Personal success stories that will give you inspiration to start your own joint venture as soon as you read them.
And a lot more!
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Note: These terms are here to protect you, your customer, your subscriber and other resellers. Please understand the terms before buying.
7. Viral Traffic Generation for only $47 “Discover Amazing Marketing Secrets That Will Absolutely Flood Your Website with Traffic…With No Additional Cost!”
If you have a website, you need traffic.Regardless of what product or service you are selling, it’s been proven that the more visitors you get to come to your website, the higher your sales will be. The trick is, you have to get customers to visit!
There are millions of websites all trying to catch the customer’s eyes, but only a handful ever get more than a small stream of visitors.Some websites sit for months waiting for customers that will never show.Without customers, they eventually fade away.
To be truly profitable, you need visitors, and a lot of them.The more visitors you get, the more money you make.
So how do I win more traffic where so many others have tried and failed?
There are really only two things you need to do to bring a flood of visitors to your website.You have to give them a reason to want to come to your site, and you have to make them excited enough to get the word out to as many other people as possible.
“Word of mouth marketing is by far the most effective way to get word out about your site.”
You can always buy traffic, if you have the money.There are plenty of internet marketers that would be glad to send traffic your way if the price is right.But wouldn’t it be better to get other people to spread the word about your site…For Free???
That is what viral marketing is all about.A visitor to your site sees something they like, and they tell a couple of people.Those people come to your site, and then each of them tell a couple more people, and those people tell a couple more people, and so on.It doesn’t take long before thousands of people have heard about your website, and they all stop in to see what the buzz is about.
The best part is, after you spend the money to get it set up and running, all or the rest happens without you having to spend any more money.Other people and website are happy to spread the word for you, at their own expense
The only extra you will have to pay is for more bandwidth to handle all of the customers.
It sounds so easy.How can I get a flood of traffic to come to my site?
We’ve researched and found the best ways to get people to notice your site.By studying what has worked for other successful viral marketing campaigns, we can share with you some of the best ways to get your visitors to tell their friends, family, and associates about your website.
You can learn how to put together a strategy that works best for you in our powerful guide, “Viral Traffic Generation: 21 Ways to Flood Your Site in Traffic”
Just take a look at some of the things you will learn:
Why you should be using viral marketing – not all advertising is equal
The strategy behind getting more traffic without paying more money – once you get the ball rolling, there don’t need to be additional costs.
Amazing strategies that will bring free traffic to your site years after the advertising campaign has ended.
Protect yourself from complaints and negative comments.Build a buffer that shields your good reputation.
Find customers you didn’t even know existed – Viral messages spread to every “hidden” niche on the web.
The truth behind marketers promises to make your marketing go viral – learn what they can and cannot guarantee.
Learn the secret to getting customers to return over and over again – build a fiercely loyal customer base.
“Free” will not always bring more customers – discover the tricks that will catch the interest of picky consumers.
You can put your “brand” in front of thousands of eyes – before they even go to your site.
Secrets that make it easy for your visitors to tell others – This one secret can make your message spread like wildfire.
You can get other websites to advertise for you…for free – and they are glad to do it!
Discover the tricks that will move your site higher on Google – Learn why Google likes some sites better than others.
Learn how becoming an expert in your niche will bring people to your website – gain the trust of your customers, and they will listen to what you have to say.
You can get other people to drive traffic to your website – and only pay them for the items that sell.
Get your message out, even when your customers are not online – and get them to remember you the next time they are online.
Using any one of these techniques can send a flood of traffic to your site.By learning to combine them and use them together, your visitor counts will explode.You can start seeing amazing results within days of starting your new advertising campaign.
Just advertising your site is not enough.You need to get your message out to people who want to hear what you have to say.
You’ll also discover….
Why referrals from friends and family are so powerful.
How to turn visitors into your own marketing network.
How to attract customers that want to buy your product.
How to turn yourself into an expert in your niche.
How one site earned $1 Million with an idea no one thought would work.
Why some techniques go viral while others just sit there.
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[YES] Can be sold for a suggested price of $7-$27 with resell rights
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Note: These terms are here to protect you, your customer, your subscriber and other resellers. Please understand the terms before buying.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
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Welcome to ZALORA, your one stop online destination for everything fashion in the Philippines. Bringing you an insight on global trends, we feature your favourite international designers and the most relevant Filipino brands.
We are constantly tracking the latest fashion trends to make sure we offer you the most exciting products available. Our fashion tips and advice will allow you to shop with more confidence.
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Friday, April 13, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
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